
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Create planters from metal file cabinets

by Debra Anchors

Image by Boopy Projects
I love this idea for creating a raised bed.  Old 2-drawer, 5-drawer and even single-drawer file cabinets easily found by the curb, at yard sales or in resale stores can now have a new and functional life when recycled as planters.  What is your favorite garden color?  As long as you choose paint specially formulated for use on metal, you can choose any color you like.

Image by Boopy Projects
Raise the file cabinet onto whatever it will rest on so that proper drainage can result. Using a drill bit meant for metal, drill holes into the bottom of the cabinet (it’s back), so the roots of your plants won’t drown.  Seasoned lumber, bricks, or metal wheels can be easily found at your local home improvement store. Use one of those methods to raise your planter up and off of the ground.

Image by Abby and Adam
The very best file cabinet to convert to a planter is one with a metal bottom; some metal cabinets have a hollow base.  If you find a reasonably priced (or even free) file cabinet that is hollow at the end, just plan to build a bottom for it.

As you plan to fill the spaces with soil, realize that unless you use a “filler” of some kind, you will need multiple bags of dirt. Also, your refurbished file cabinet planter, once filled, will be very heavy.  Consider assembling and planting your new container after it is placed in its permanent location.

Now. What can we create with those drawers?

Note:  For convenience, I have embedded links into the text that will take you to the products used in this project.

Recycle, upcycle and do it yourself? Absolutely! Have you upcycled something unique for your garden from recycled materials? Please share it with me so I can feature your creation here.

If you enjoy this website, you might like my magazine, Gardening Life. AND, don’t miss my more traditional gardening website, Gardens Inspired.

I hope you found inspiration today. Remember to subscribe, so you won't miss a thing!

Until next time -

  • Thank you to Abby and Adam and Boopy Projects for use of the photos. Please relax with their entertaining and informative websites, too.


  1. I don't think I have ever seen a metal filing cabinet turned into a planter out in the garden. This is a great way to recycle old things that have no use into something that everyone can enjoy. Do you have any other post on turning things like this into planters?

  2. Grreat reading your blog post
