
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Garden stools glow in the dark

by Debra Anchors

Image by True Art
This exceptional and clever idea was curated from Red Lotus Gardening.  Construct outdoor stools from tree trunks and then paint them with glow paint - instant party lights in your garden or around your fire pit!

Note:  For convenience, I have embedded links into the text that will take you to the products used in this project.

Recycle, upcycle and do it yourself?  Absolutely!  Have you upcycled something unique for your garden from recycled materials?  Please share it with me so I can feature your creation here.

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Until next time -


  1. How do you get different colors? I can only find plain glow in the dark paint.

    1. Hello Christy, thank you for dropping in!

      I don't know where you are located; we have many choices of color stocked in the hardware stores here in MI. Also, I have a link above to "glow paint", in my post here. The link will take you to a mail-order source for the paint.

      Good luck!

    2. What brand of colored paint did you use

    3. Hi there. Krylon offers a glow paint as does Rustoleum (probably many others, as well). Click on the "glow paint" link above so you can see what it looks like.

  2. Is it a spray or a brush on? I really love this idea

  3. Glow paint is available in both mediums; choose which one to use based on what colors you prefer? Thank you very much for dropping by; please follow me and stop-in again soon. -Debra

  4. What type of would work better with the paint then another? And also do you treat the wood first before painting it? Thanks :-). Tamara

  5. I'm sorry, I meant to say what type of wood would work better than another? Thanks. Tamara

    1. I don't think it would make a difference. I would most likely use a hardwood, like maple, since it is what we have an abundance of. And no, I wouldn't treat the wood first.

      Thank you for stopping by! -Debra

  6. This is an absolutely brilliant idea. Will be so fun when having visitors over and they see the stools glowing. Love it! :-)

    1. Thank you, Lars. I am pleased you enjoyed it! -Debra

  7. Do I sand it first?

    1. If you plan to use them as seating, then yes, I would sand them first.

  8. Can they be used as a sitting stool after the paint dries?
