
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Recycle and upcycle denim jeans into planters

by Debra Anchors

This set of planters, created by Tom Ballinger, was the star of the show at BBB Seed during one of their seasonal open houses.  I wrote a feature about this inspirational display last year on my website, Gardens Inspired.

Suggestions for creating one of these displays were offered by my readers;  I have highlighted the possibilities below.

  • Place a kitchen size garbage bag inside each leg and then fill each with something that could follow the line of the jeans, but also be heavy enough to hold the planters in place. Use another kitchen garbage bag for the seat of the jeans, filled with a quality garden soil.
  • Thread some rope through the belt loops of the jeans and then attach them to something sturdy, such as a fence.  Bubble wrap or crumpled plastic grocery bags could then be used to shape the legs.
  • Consider constructing a PVC & wood block armature for rigidity then fill with a substance along the lines of shipping peanuts.  Then, either use the PVC pipe as the planter or secure plastic pots to the armature.
Will you create an inspirational planter of your own this year?

Note:  For convenience, I have embedded links into the text that will take you to the products used in this project.

Recycle, upcycle and do it yourself?  Absolutely!  Have you upcycled something unique for your garden from recycled materials?  Please share it with me so I can feature your creation here.

If you enjoy this website, you might like my magazine, Gardening Life.  AND, don’t miss my more traditional gardening website, Gardens Inspired.

I hope you found inspiration today.  Remember to subscribe, so you won't miss a thing!

Until next time -


  1. Nice - but they wouldn't weather well, would they?

    1. I believe they would, Teresa, throughout the spring,summer and autumn. The most they would get is wet. Thank you for stopping in! -Debra

  2. I find the idea creative, but I wouldn't like this in my garden... :-)

  3. If you can't say something nice.... Gee, some people! I think this is not only hilarious but fantastic! I want to try something similar in my backyard. Love it!

    1. Totally agree! If you don't want it in YOUR garden, don't do it. Why not just say, Wow, pretty creative! and leave it at that. I think they bring a smile.

  4. Love it, will be I my garden this summer!

  5. I love the idea and will be doing it at my school. The children are very excited about whose jeans will be the ones to be on the fence by the butterfly garden…VERY COOL! Fun for kids.

    1. Thanks so much for telling me! I would love to see them having fun - would you consider sending me a picture? My contact email is in the "About" section, above.

  6. Gooooooood one.. LOVE IT!!
    L.r. Smith on fb!!

  7. Is there a PINTEREST BUTTON LINK to this??
    Lookin' for it???? L.r. Smith on fb.

    1. I have added the 'pin it' hover button. Thank you for your suggestion! -Debra

  8. Has anyone actually done one yet?? I adore this and want to make 1 single one for my store window display...

  9. The plants thrive very well even better then plastic pots, this is called AIR PRUNING plant bags. You can even grow vegetables in it. You can find plenty information on this on youtube. you will see how fantastic it works...!!!

  10. it's really nice and meanful. it's really cool blog. Linking is very useful have really helped lots of people who visit blog and provide them usefull

  11. love it! think it's fun! will do one.

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  13. I love this idea!!! I think I’ll do it next summer but I will give them all great asses.
    And yes it is ingenious.

  14. I was thinking of making them on the outside of my deck and have a walk up bar on the inside for privacy! good idea thank you...
