
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hens and chicks create whimsy in the garden

by Debra Anchors

Surrounded by succulent hens and chicks, a simple wall plaque will add charm to a little corner of your garden.  Why not make one yourself? Bury the edges of the plaque in the dirt and then wait for the plants to do the rest!

Note:  For convenience, I have embedded links into the text that will take you to the products used in this project.

Recycle, upcycle and do it yourself? Absolutely! Have you upcycled something unique for your garden from recycled materials? Please share it with me so I can feature your creation here.

If you enjoy this website, you might like my magazine, Gardening Life. AND, don’t miss my more traditional gardening website, Gardens Inspired.

I hope you found inspiration today. Remember to subscribe, so you won't miss a thing!

Until next time -

* This project was originally curated from the American Horticultural Society.


  1. As a semps freak, I can tell you this is really neato.
